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Senior Nutrition Guide
Check out the Senior Nutrition Guide put together by is an online platform that creates free resources about important senior care and living information. This guide was put together to support those with distinctive dietary requirements, specifically those in the older adult community. It was put together to support older adults who may encounter obstacles in maintaining a healthy diet.

Summer 2022 Kickoff!! Thank you so much FreshBox Farms for donating 100 lbs of produce! ManyHands was able to drop off these donations at Project Just Because Hopkinton Food Pantry!
2/15/22 - 5/20/22
Thank you so much FreshBox Farms for working in partnership with ManyHandsFood Pantry, Over the past couple of months, we have donated fresh produce to multiple food pantries in the Greater Boston Area! Thank you so much Adriana Bureau for working so hard and driving back and forth donating these items!
460 Lbs =354 meals
460 pounds of food equivalent to 354 meals were donated to Easthampton Community Center last evening! What made this even more valuable was that all the items were gluten-free items. For those who suffer from dietary restrictions because of conditions such as Celiac Disease or allergies, food insecurity poses a serious challenge. Food pantries often do not have the resources to meet their needs. ManyHandsFoodPantry has been trying to highlight this over the last year -- focusing on fresh food produce donations to local pantries in the Metrowest area and also donating gluten-free items on a regular basis.The Easthampton Community has about 200 community members who are in need of food catering to their dietary needs. While donating these items last evening, the director of the pantry, Mrs. Bialecki said "we have been struggling to make people realize that gluten-free items are an actual medical necessity for those who have dietary restrictions and not just a current fad!". This drive would not have been possible without high school seniors Adriana Bureau and Sowmya Karthikeyan. Their amazing leadership skills in the towns of Holliston and Hopkinton respectively allowed us to drop two carloads filled with pantry items. Thank you both! Also a big shoutout to all those who made monetary donations, which allowed me to buy gluten-free items on your behalf. Thank you National Celiac Association and Mrs. Carla Carter, Director of Outreach and Programming of the National Celiac Association, for guiding us on this drive!
Gluten-Free Drive
Awesome Job Sowmya Karthikeyan collecting gluten free food pantry items for our drive. With the help of the Hopkinton NHS she was able to collect an entire carload of food pantry items! Please please donate! Contact if you have any questions! Spread the word!
Gluten-Free Drive!

Great job Adriana Bureau for putting together a drive for Project Just Because in Hopkinton, MA. Adriana collected about 160 food pantry items by doing a food drive with the fall sports teams. All of the Holliston fall sports teams donated goods at their home games! Thank you Holliston Field Hockey team for donating the most number of items! Look out for more drives run by Adriana!
Another wonderful fresh produce donation of 8 pounds of Romaine from FreshBox Farms ! ManyHands was able to donate the produce to Medway Village Church Food Pantry today! Thank you so much Adriana Bureau for carrying out this drive and driving to pick up the produce from FreshBox Farms and dropping it off at Medway Village Church Food Pantry!
Thank you FreshBox Farms, FreshBox President and CEO, Craig Ratajczyk and Christine Van Dam for your donation of 20 pounds of fresh kale. ManyHands was able to donate the fresh produce to Project Just Because Hopkinton Food Pantry. Thank you Kim Gorton, President & CEO of Slade Gorton Co., Inc., for connecting ManyHands with Mr. Ratajczyk.
Thank you so much Cumberland Farms Medway for donating nonperishable and perishable items! We dropped off these items at Project Just Because this past week!
Often families approach pantries with requests for family members who have special dietary requirements. For example, there is a growing need for access to gluten free and lactose free food. This week ManyHands was able to work with Kate Scarlata, RD, low FODMAP diet professional, to deliver 500 blocks of individual size (3/4 oz) snack size cheese. I was also able to get some monetary donations that I used to buy cheese, butter, yogurt, cake mixes etc -- and deliver to the Medway Village Church Food Pantry that will be helping families with special dietary requirements.
Another food pantry drive for PACE, Inc!
Thank you so much Bella Park for helping out in this drive.

Connecting farms with food pantries to mitigate food loss and improve access to fresh produce. Thank you Jewish Family Services for the opportunity!

It's been an enriching two weeks! I am so grateful and humbled by all the support and help ManyHands received during the large drive for the Chelsea Collaborative. Yesterday, I was joined by some amazing Holliston High School students and friends Justin Battick, Bella Park, Adriana Bureau and Austin Chang who helped Many Hands drop off five fully packed car loads of food pantry items as well as clothes and toys for Chelsea residents!
Please bear with me as I try and thank every single person that helped out during this drive. I would like to start off by thanking all the students of Holliston High School who along with the help of my school counselor Dominique Ross put together a splendid collection. I'd also like to thank the ManyHands volunteers who drove around town collecting items for the drive from all the residents. Thank you Max Payne, Rutu Tatke, Audrey Buckenmaier, Summer ONeil, Cara Chipman, Josh Maxwell, Julian Payne, Mia Luisi, Maddie Kinder, Eva Bergloff, Jenna Shutt, Brian Sahagian, Sam Abdallah, Julia Harrington, Ella Detering and Sadie Trainor. This drive would not have been possible without all the wonderful donors of ManyHands. Thank you Michela DeToma, Ramya Aunty, Arun Uncle, Katrina Bogart, Addie Atkins, Cathay Thistle, Shraddha Gaonkar, Michele Gallagher, Stacy Robin, Carol Anderson, Christine P, Katie Callahan, Laurie Gass, Stacy Robin, Despina Brooks and Maduri aunty. A quick shout out to the amazing teachers at Holliston High School who donated as well. Thank you Mr. Zhaner, Mrs. Calais, Mr.Berinstein, Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Joyce. Thank you so much to WBZ | CBS Boston for shining a spotlight on the Chelsea Collaborative and ManyHands. I am so sorry if I missed anyone who helped out during this drive! From the bottom of my heart thank you, thank you, thank you!
I also want to thank Aman Bhatti and his friends from WPI for raising more than $700 dollars and donating it towards buying toys for the children of Chelsea for their holiday presents! My car is once again packed and ready to head out to Chelsea Collaborative this upcoming Monday with the toys.
Donate to The Chelsea Collaborative!

Just a short appreciation post for all the people who donated more than 182 pounds food pantry items for Open Table Food Pantry in Maynard, MA. A shout out to Bella Park, Rutu Tatke, Sowmya Karthikeyan, Julia Gavini-Campbell, Shubhi Wavikar Katrina Bogart for their monetary donations and non-perishable food pantry items! Thank you Jewish Family Services for giving a monetary donation to make this drive successful!
Another wonderful drive done and it wouldn't have been possible without the generosity of the Jewish Family Services and The Neighborhood Fam. ManyHandsFoodPantry was able to help PACE food pantry in New Bedford, MA by donating a full carload of food pantry items and fresh produce!
Farm to Pantry drive all done! Thank you so much The Neighborhood Farm for donating 7 bushels of fresh organic produce to Project Just Because Hopkinton Food Pantry!
Another food drive by ManyHandsFoodPantry!!! Today we were able be collect a car load of non-perishable food pantries for Bread and Loaves Food Pantry in Bellingham. This would not be possible with the amazing help of Justin Battick and a generous donations from Jewish Family Services in Metrowest!
Are we ready for the next food pantry drive? If you would like to help, email me at

"A mother who had come to us requesting milk got supplies the same day" -- Project Just Because Hopkinton Food Pantry. Thanks so much Shubhi Wavikar for your generous donation to help PJB Hopkinton Food Pantry!
Let's help Project Just Because Hopkinton Food Pantry together!
PJB is in urgent need of milk, cheese, eggs and yogurt. Today, ManyHandsFoodPantry was able to use money donated generously by the Jewish Family Services to purchase some of these items but we need more help to meet these requirements.
You can help out by ordering online and sending it directly to 109 South Street, Hopkinton, or you can purchase these items and drop it off at my house or you can donate money to ManyHandsFoodPantry (email me for the Venmo) and I can purchase on your behalf.

I am so happy to say that ManyHandsFoodPantry was able to collect and donate 314 pounds of food pantry items for A Place To Turn in Natick, MA. Thank you so much Justin Battick for helping me collect and drop all the food pantry items! A big shout out to all the fabulous donors: Dominique Ross, Linda Mowbray, Helen Frost, Minnie Gupta, Rutu Tatke, Padma Avadutha, Sridevi Aunty, Ava Baumann, Morgan Berenson, Samantha Sobian, Jeanne Vidil, Carol Anderson and to everyone else who made this drive possible by donating money or food pantry items!
Hi everyone!
I am so happy to say that ManyHandsFoodPantry has been able to connect with a wonderful donor, Sreejara, and help her distribute the $6,000 dollars she raised to 6 different food pantries in the Metrowest area. We have helped to connect her with Project Just Because, Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, Our Daily Bread Food Pantry, A Place to Turn, Open Table and Chelsea Collaborative.

ManyHandsFoodPantry was able to donate 944.2 pounds of food pantry items to Open Table in Maynard, MA. This wouldn't have been possible without the help of Justin Battick and Austin Chang. Also thank you Sowmya Karthikeyan, and Ms. Marie Richards for monetary donations.

ManyHandsFoodPantry was able to donate 2 carloads of food pantry items to Rutland MA Food Pantry. This would not have been possible without the help of Ramya Subramanian, Arun Narayanan, Adithi and Sakshi who held a drive in Shrewsbury to collect for Rutland Food Pantry. A special thank you to Rutu Tatke , Heidi Finnegan, KaLea Kunkel, Kevin Balewicz, Madison Grace and Candace Bourg for donating food pantry items at the Holliston drive.

Thank you New England Malayalee Association (NEMA) for collecting food pantry items for The Chelsea Collaborative. ManyHandsFoodPantry was able to donate 4 car loads of food to them. Thank you to the awesome team of Austin Chang, Justin Battick and Kevin Balewicz for driving all the way to Chelsea! We make a great team!

A Positive Note from Project Just Because Hopkinton Food Pantry:
Thank you Many Hands Food Pantry and everyone who donated diapers!! We are so thankful for the love and support. Thank you! Thank you!
ManyHandsFoodPantry just collected more than 1,100 food pantry items for Chelsea Collaborative!!! A special thank you to Holliston High School juniors Justin Battick, Kevin Balewicz and Austin Chang for helping to collect these from families around Holliston. We will be dropping them tomorrow. A big thank you to all the people who dropped food at my house -- Christine Coombs, Paula Gould, Carol Anderson, Thomas Ragan, Heidi Finnegan, Aidan Malvey, Flannery Miller, Bella Park, Ruchi, Bill Kenney, Madhuri, Erica Calais, Dominique Ross, Sridevi G.V. Rao, Aparajita M, Kavitha Chaganti. Thank you so much to all those who made this donation drive a success.

This week I will be trying to collect food pantry items for Chelsea Collaborative in Chelsea, MA. They are in great need for a lot of things as they are serving more than 3,000 residents every Tuesday and Thursday. If you have any of the items I am listing below there are three options that we can work out.
1. You could drop it off at my house on my driveway and I will take it to Chelsea. If you are doing this, please let me know,
2. You can also drop it off at Chelsea if that is easier
3.If you would like me to pick it up, then let me know and I can plan accordingly.
A big thank you to Mrs.Shikha and all the wonderful families in Hopkinton who donated more than 100 gallons of milk to Project Just Because Hopkinton Food Pantry!